I recently
mentioned how much I like Chik-Fil-A to a friend. As a gay man, he was appalled that I still
support them. As a theoretical gay man,
I don’t understand why I am expected to boycott Chik-Fil-A. Why do my gastronomic peccadilloes have to
link-up with my sexual orientation, which at this point might as well be
“Disinterested former Southern Baptist, looking for clearance-priced Brooks
Brothers”? I am not interested in dating
anyone of any gender right now.
What I am
interested in is enjoying some of those chicken minis for breakfast. Have you eaten one? Now I wasn’t around to taste the manna that
God provided the children of Israel back in the day, but it has been described
as something akin to a honey flavored wafer.
I know chicken minis are probably horrifyingly processed and reek of
calories and butter but they are delicious!
Chicken minis will be served in heaven, y’all. Seriously.
I feel pretty sure Mr. Cathey is setting up a franchise right now. And I hope he is. In heaven, that is; his
financial dealings with Jesus are between him and Him. On that note, I recently found out that one
of my friends attended church with Robin Williams in San Francisco and his
pastor stated at his funeral that he was a Christian, so that makes me
happier. I’m glad I’ll see Mork in
heaven. Somebody is going to have to
balance out all those Republican sour-pusses who assure us they are God’s
chosen few.
Plus I like anyone
with the last name of Cathey ever since I saw a photo of a Miss Judy Ann Cathey who was some sort of Queen of Queens at some Fiesta of Five Flags or
whatever from my mother’s yearbook for the semester she went to Northeast
Louisiana State University in 1964.
Anything that combines beauty queens and fried chicken is alright by
me. This is where an Amen would be
appropriate, in case you needed prompting.
Believe what you
want to believe and boycott what you want to boycott but keep your opinions out
of my mouth; I’ve got enough of my own in there. And I need to leave room for some sweet tea
alongside that honey-kissed chicken goodness from the folks that introduced
America to poultry-phobic, illiterate cows.
And that is all
I’m saying because my food is getting cold.
I love this, and thank you for the laugh.