Sunday, August 25, 2019

Unfortunately They Charge Per Pound

          Ben and I are planning our honeymoon to the Philippines in November and we began the search for airline tickets.  Having no frame of reference for traveling in Southeast Asia, I had announced that I was flying Business Class at the minimum because I was not about to fly Coach for the 15-17 hours it takes to get from Los Angeles to Manila.  The exchange rate from pesos (Philippine currency) to dollars is 51:1, so at first I thought the prices were in pesos.  When I realized they were in dollars I was nonplussed, to say the least.  I won't tell you the price, but suffice it to say, that the cost of two round trip tickets would get you an acre of land in central Illinois or a 2010 Toyota Corolla, with high mileage.
         After drinking 64 oz. of Diet Snapple Peach Iced Tea, to get over my shock and dismay, I decided to check the price for Fed-Ex to mail us in the same, or if less expensive, separate boxes.  Unfortunately, they charge per pound, unlike those "If I Fits, It Ships" boxes from the Post Office.  Ben's box would have been very inexpensive as he is about as big as a minute.  On the other hand, the cost for my ample body (almost as many minutes as in that song from 'Rent') was on par with a Coach ticket and, although I do not relish the experience, I would rather be the one who decides how to abuse my body, as opposed to the unfulfilled, and therefore angry, shipping conglomerate employee.
         So, we are flying Coach with the tacky masses; meaning both poorly attired as well as sticky from Lord only knows what.  Therefore, I must invest in some sort of chemical combination to help me sleep the fourteen and a half hours it will take to fly non-stop from CA to Manila.  Anybody have suggestions for non-alcoholic, non-illegal, non-prescription methods to sleep while traveling?  Seems like my only options might be a combination of Melatonin, despair and/or airline snacks.  Can a Stroopwaffle act as a sedative?
         And like the Right Reverend Robert Tilton would say, Pray, send money or both.  Blessed be, y'all.

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